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Guide to Tournaments

Guide for archers

Archery has a variety of competitions available from the club level to national and international events. Here is a guideline about the different types of archery tournaments and competitions in New Zealand. Please bear in mind these are usually Target competitions. For Field, try visiting the NZFAA website.

Need to know what distance you shoot for your age class? Click here.

Standard calendar of events

Here is a standardised guide to all the major events held in NZ each year. This may help with planning which events you want to go to, and where they may be hosted.

Running a tournament?

If you are a club, and want to host or run a tournament, you probably want to go to this page and find out more about how to do that.

CHC club shoot

These are competitions held at a club level and open to club members. For example, the Auckland Club Championships is one of these, as is their annual Xmas St. Nicholas shoot in December. Some clubs run shoots every weekend with the help of a Shooting Calendar, while others have a more ad-hoc approach.

These usually only have the requirement to belong to your club.

These are shot at various clubs around the district. Medals are available for archers who belong to that district. For example, the ECBOPAA Rosebowl tournament, the ADAA Field Championships, and the SIDAA Championships or the WAA Championships. Sometimes these are more “friendly” tournaments for beginners, such as the ADAA or WAA 600 shoots which allow beginner or intermediate archers to level up their archery through achieving ribbons.

These may or may not have a requirement to belong to Archery NZ. Always check with the district or host club.

These are sometimes referred to as “postal” competitions because you shoot them at your home club and “post” your scores online or to an administrator.

For example: Waitangi Day – the Royle Hutton Memorial Challenge; Ryan, Hamilton and Fraser Shield Challenge and the Teams Inter-club League. The Youth Monthly shoot and the School Programme are also postal competitions.

Your club or yourself will need to be a member of Archery NZ (or a School member) to participate in these tournaments. They are a fun way to shoot against other archers around the country without leaving your home turf!

Minor tournaments are shot at any club, with usually no entry fee or registration. It is a great way to try tournaments as they are a little more relaxed than a major shoot. They give you a good idea on handling timing lights, double-scoring and signatures on all scoresheets. Some clubs may request uniform but others may not. Always check the entry form. You can claim some Archery NZ pins at RMTs, so it is a great way to level up your archery.

You do not need to be an experienced archer to shoot these tournaments!

These are shot at any club or major field ground. Entry fees and registration a must, they are usually Archery NZ sponsored. Tournament conditions (uniforms, timing, double scoring) and judges are mandatory for these shoots. Examples are the One Tree Hill Cup, the Caveman Challenge or the Neroli Fairhall Annual.

You can claim Archery NZ pins at Major Tournaments, as well as Archery NZ records. If the tournament is ALSO registered with World Archery, as some may be, you can also claim World Archery award pins such as the 1400 or 720 pins.

You can view any upcoming tournaments over at

You will need to be a full member of Archery NZ to shoot at the tournament. You do not need to be an experienced archer!

Youth ni champs 2013

Once a year, the North Island and South Island host a Youth and Senior Championship Event. These are usually registered as major tournaments, so you will have to belong to Archery NZ to shoot these tournaments.

To qualify for the Youth Championships, you need to be under 21 years old. The Senior Championships is for all archers who can shoot senior distances. You do not need to be a “senior” archer, but you need to be able to shoot the senior distances. For example, Junior Women and Men (ages 18-20) already shoot the Senior distances, so they can enter as a senior if they wish. U18’s may also, if they are comfortable shooting the senior distances.

The SIDAA (South Island Championships) alternates between Dunedin and Christchurch each year. The Youth also alternates in the opposite year.

The NI Championships rotates around the districts. Please see the registration page for who is supposed to be hosting each year.

You can claim Archery NZ pins at Major Tournaments, as well as Archery NZ records. If the tournament is ALSO registered with World Archery, as some may be, you can also claim World Archery award pins such as the 1400 or 720 pins.

You can view any upcoming tournaments over at

You will need to be a full member of Archery NZ to shoot at the tournament.

The National Championships is shot twice a year.

There is an Outdoor Tournament usually at the beginning of the year comprising of Target, Clout, Field and Match-Play, and an Indoor tournament in the middle of the year.

Major tournament conditions (uniforms, timing) and judges are mandatory for these shoots. These are always a major tournament where you can claim Archery NZ pins, Archery NZ and National records, World Archery pins and World Archery records.

You will need to be a full member of Archery NZ to shoot at the tournament.

To learn more please view the National Championships page.

If you are interested in shooting an overseas tournament as a representative of Archery NZ, you will have to be selected to do so. This may mean a minimum qualifying score or several scores, achieving consistent results in major tournaments, attending a National Championships or a qualifying tournament. You can review the Selection Policies page to see what those scores are.

Some overseas tournaments do not require you to be selected, for example the Australian National Championships, Australian Open or Arizona Cup, so if you are trying to get some overseas experience without going through the selection process you can do these – however you will need to be a full Archery NZ member and it is always a good idea to let Archery NZ know you are attending so that they can follow your progress.

Other tournaments, such as the the Trans-Tasman Challenge, Oceania Championships, World Cups, World Championships and Olympic Games, all have qualifying structures and selection policies in place so please follow those guidelines on the Selection Page.

Good luck! We can’t wait to see you out there shooting and having fun.

What’s my Distance?

Entering tournaments is easy when using the below table.  It shows you by division the Distances, Shooting Peg Information and Target Face Type for all Age Classes. In tournaments you can shoot up an Age Class (as long as the distance is further than your current Age Class), but not down.

For detailed information on the different types of shoots and shooting distances please refer to the ANZ Shooting Rules OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED ARCHERY NEW ZEALAND TARGET ROUNDS – Section 3.

Novice & Development Classes are available if:

  • Novice – you are within your first 6 months of archery.
  • Development – you are within your first 18 months of archery.

For detailed information on the Novice & Development Classes please refer to the Shooting Rules for Athletes