Archer Ranking
Welcome to the Archer Ranking page. Thanks to Ray Houston for his hard work in producing the ranking for us. The last 6 months of ranking is published at any time. For historical ranking, please contact
The scores for the ranking come from tournaments shot during the year that are listed on, as well as the Indoor and Outdoor Nationals. Eligible tournaments will have been publicised prior to competition and with a status of either International (Int), Major (M) or Registered Minor Tournament (RMT). International (Int) scores by ANZ affiliated archers are eligible for ranking purposes. They are required to be submitted to the the ranking administrator and must also include an electronic link to an official result sheet for verification of score.
The scores in the monthly rankings are adjusted down by 5 points each month following the month the round was shot. The deductions differ with each subsequent month, unless a higher score is shot by the archer involved.
Archers stay on the ranking table for 1 (one) calendar year. If they consistently keep shooting, they stay on the ranking table. Any eligible score that becomes 12 months old will be withdrawn from the table.
Any tie between competing ranking totals is resolved by the highest individual WA720 score at its current value to take priority.